TOEIC – READING – Adjectives #2

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Practice 1:
Choose the correct form for the words.


1. The decision not to approve the airport expansion was purely a ---------- one.

2. Despite the cost, management agreed with the ---------- to replace laptops with tablets.

3. HM Construction has proved itself as the most ---------- company we have ever worked with.

4. According to our senior advisors, this investment presents no serious ---------- risk.

5. The new chairman was ---------- offered a salary in excess of $1 million.

6. As for shipping the goods to Australia, we do not have a ---------- international carrier.

7. Ms. Ishihara is the most ---------- and hardworking employee in the section.

8. These chemicals are highly toxic, so anyone handling them must be closely ----------.

9. There are many technical reports ---------- each stage in the development of this turbine.

10. Of all the applicants for the post, Mrs. Walters seems to be by far the strongest ----------.

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