PET – Test 1 – Listening part 4 You will hear an interview with a man called Mickey Diaz, who is talking about his work as a hairdresser. 20. Why did Mickey decide to become a hairdresser? A. He was offered a job by a friend. B. He wanted to do what his family did. C. He hoped to meet some famous people. question1092 21. On a typical day at work, Mickey says that he A. doesn't take enoough time for breaks. B. works longer hours than he would like to. C. tries to do a range of jobs. question1093 22. The part of the job which Mickey likes most is A. creating new haircuts. B. hearing about customers' lives. C. using his imagination. question1094 23. What part of his job does Mickey dislike? A. having to do boring courses. B. sharing idedas with colleagues. C. dealing with difficult customers. question1095 24. How does Mickey feel after cutting a customer's hair? A. worried that the customer may be annoyed. B. proud of what he's achieved. C. keen to continue learning question1096 25. Mickey recommends that people who want to work as hairdressers A. shouldn't take the first job they're offered. B. shouldn't believe they know everything. C. shouldn't expect to earn much at first. question1097 Time's up