NPTC – Past Perfect

Hãy bấm vào video để mở đồng hồ canh giờ. Bạn hoàn thành bài tập trước khi đồng hồ reo là thành công! Nếu không hãy làm lại.


A. Choose the correct tense, past or past perfect, to fill in the gaps


The robbers (leave) the bank when the policemen finally arrived.


When the rain (start) , the Atkinsons (finish) planting trees.


When she went out to play, She (do/ already) her homework.


My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make).


The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) six weeks before.


The waiter brought a drink that I (not/ order).


I could not remember the poem we (learn) the week before.


The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) from the tree.


(he / phone) Angie before he went to see her in London?


She (not / ride) a horse before that day.

Bài 2: Khoanh tròn dạng đúng của động từ ở thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành sau cho phù hợp với ngữ cảnh câu

  1. The robbers left/ had left the bank when the policemen finally arrived/ had arrived.
  2. When the rain started/ had started, the Atkinsons finished/ had finished planting trees.
  3. By the time Rebecca went/ had gone into the store, she got/ had got soaked.
  4. Darcey saw/ had seen this castle before she came/ had come again last Sunday.
  5. Mr.Palmer didn’t speak/ hadn’t spoken any Chinese before he moved/ had moved to Peking.
  6. Sonny got / had got fainted by the time the ambulance reached/ had reached the hospital.
  7. When my mother brought/ had brought me an apple, I finished/ had finished my homework.
  8. Mrs.Wilkinson refused/ had refused to drive the car because she had/ had had a terrible accident on the highway about a year ago.
  9. didn’t think/ hadn’t thought of having a new house before I saw/ had seen that ad on TV.
  10. My uncle didn’t try/ hadn’t tried Italian food before went/ had gone to that restaurant.

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án có ý nghĩa giống với câu gốc 

1. I had already seen the film but I decided to watch it again last night.
a. I watched the film last night for the first time.
b. Last night wasn’t the first time that I had seen the film.

2. The boys were playing football while it was raining.
a. The boys were playing football until it started to rain.
b. The boys played football in the rain.

3. I was writing an e-mail when our computer broke down.
a. Our computer broke down before I wrote an e-mail.
b. I had started writing an e-mail and then our computer broke down.

4. My aunt bought me a lovely gift after she had spent the summer holiday with us.
a. When the summer holiday was over, my aunt bought me a lovely gift.
b. While my aunt was spending the summer holiday with us, she bought us a lovely gift

2.2. Bài tập quá khứ hoàn thành nâng cao

Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành

  1. After I _____________________ the letter, I _____________________ that I _____________________
    the wrong address on it. (POST, REALISE, WRITE)
  2. John asked me where I _____________________ the day before. (BE)
  3. At this time yesterday, we ___________________________ for 6 km. (ALREADY WALK)
  4. When I _____________________ through the streets of Madrid, I _____________________ about
    the magnificent time I _____________________ there as a student. (WALK, THINK, SPEND)
  5. It was the first time that she _____________________ me to dinner. (INVITE)
  6. As soon as the maid _____________________ scrubbing the kitchen floor, she _______________
    working in the garden. (FINISH, START)
  7. We started to worry about Jimmy because we _____________________ him all afternoon.
  8. They _____________________ their way out of town before the sun _____________________.
  9. We _____________________ for two hours when we finally got to our hotel. (DRIVE)
  10. When I _____________________ home, I saw that the children _______________________.

Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu sau

  1. When Hoa arrived at the theater, the film ____________(start).
  2. He ____________ (live) in Laos before He went to Vietnam.
  3. After Lan ____________ (eat) the cake, Lan began to feel sick.
  4. If he ____________ (listen) to me, he would have got the job.
  5. Linh didn’t arrive until I ____________ (leave).
  6. After they ____________ (finish) lunch, they went out.
  7. The tree was dead because it ____________ (be) arid all summer.
  8. I ____________ (meet) him somewhere before.
  9. They were late for the flight because they ____________ (forget) their passports.
  10. Linh told me she ____________ (study) a lot before the exam.
  11. The leaf was yellow because it ____________ (not/rain) all summer.
  12. The lamp went off because I ____________ (not/pay) the electricity bill.
  13. Hoa____________ (not/do) her homework, so she was in trouble.
  14. She ____________ (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.
  15. I couldn’t go into the cinema because I ____________ (not/bring) my tickets.
  16. He said that He ____________ (not/visit) the US before.
  17. Hoa and Lan ____________ (not/meet) before the exam.
  18. I ____________ (not/have) lunch when she arrived.
  19. She ____________ (not/use) smartphone before, so I showed her how to use it.
  20. Linh ____________ (not/study) for the exam, so she was very anxious.

Bài 3: Sắp xếp các câu sau và chia động từ (nếu có)

  1. The/ they/ get/ had/ off/ before/ of/ the/ turn/ light/ office/ out.
  2. By/ begin/ time/ I/ my/ she/,/ had/ leave/ the/ quickly/ work.
  3. After/ finish/ my/,/ we/ back/ father/ his/ home/ work/ come.
  4. Before/ go/ had/ an/ novel/ my/ to/ brother/ read/ interesting/ he/ bed.
  5. When/ her/ in/,/ he/ had/ join/ Linh/ best friend/ Bangkok/ the/ Ever/ meet.
  6. Cuong/ this/ before/ last night/ had/ text/ he/ went/ translate/ out.
  7. Hung/ your/ before/ meet/ had/ email/ he/ use/ you?
  8. When/ I/ arrive/ had/ hadn’t/ my/ lunch/ parents.
  9. They/ before/ had/ to/ the meeting/ speak/ her.
  10. I/ that/ hadn’t/ see/ before/ was/ the man/ sure/ I.

Bài 4: Viết lại câu thì quá khứ hoàn thành

1. David had gone home before we arrived.

=> After…………………………………………………………………………………….

2. We had lunch then we took a look around the shops.

=> Before……………………………………………………………………………………

3. The light had gone out before we got out of the office.

=> When…………………………………………………………………………………….

4. After she had explained everything clearly, we started our work.

=> By the time …………………………………………………………………………….

5. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home.

=> Before………………………………………………………………………………….

Bài 5: Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau bằng cách chia động từ ở chỗ trống

Until a few years ago, no one 1.. ………….. (hear) of Harry Potter, the young wizard and hero of the children’s book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The writer, J K Rowling, 2. ………….. (already / write) several stories and books, but this was the first book that was published. She 3. …………… (get) the idea for the story of a wizard at magic school while she 4. ………. (travel) on a train to London. By the time the train 5. ……………………………… (reach) King’s Cross station, she 6. ……………………………… (invent) most of the characters. When the book was published in 1997, no one 7. ……………………………… (imagine) it would be such a tremendous success, but it quickly 8…..(become) a bestseller. While millions of young readers in many countries 9. ……… (enjoy) her first Harry Potter book, J K Rowling 10. ……………………………… (think) of ideas for the next book in this incredibly popular series.

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