Exercises 1:
Watch the video then answer the questions

A. Answer the questions:
(viết câu hoàn chỉnh)

4. Why does he like Mondays?

11. Which subjects are they going to learn next year?

B. Write the meaning of the following words:
Note: capitalize the first letter.
nhớ viết hoa chữ cái đầu tiên.


 Peter and Sarah go to a nice Primary school in their village. The school is very small but they love it. Peter loves Mondays because they have Science, Music and Maths. Peter is good at Science and Math, and He likes music. Sarah really enjoys Thursdays because they have English. Sarah is good at English and Art. They both like P.E. but they don’t like Geography.The best day of the week is Friday. They have English, Maths, Art and P.E, so both of them are happy! Next year, they are going to go to Secondary school. They’re going to learn new subjects like Chemistry or Physics. They are a little worried but everything is going to be O.K.

Click on the clock to set up the timer. 

Exercises 2:
Look at the map and write

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