Exercises 1:
Watch the video then answer the questions below

A. Write True or False

1. He is Anthony.

2. He is 16 years old.

3. He usually has bread with meat and honey.

4. He drinks some milk or lemon juice for breakfast.

5. He has sandwich with cheese, salad, and tomatoes at home.

6. Julia is 17 years old.

7. She has some cereal with milk for dinner.

8. She has fruit and drink some water at school.

9. She sometimes go with her family to a restaurant.

11. She doesn't like hamburgers.

B. Write the meaning of the following words:
Note: capitalize the first letter.
nhớ viết hoa chữ cái đầu tiên.

 Hi, My name is Anthony, I’m sixteen years old and I live in Sheffield. I usually eat bread with jam or honey and I drink some milk or orange juice for breakfast. At school, I often eat a sandwich with cheese, salad and tomatoes for lunch. But I also eat hot meals like Pasta, hamburgers or some tomato soup. I don’t eat any crisps, I don’t like crisps! I sometimes eat fish and chips for dinner.    Hello, I’m Julia, I’m sixteen years old and I live in Your I often eat some cereal with milk for breakfast. I never eat sausages. I don’t like that! At school,  I usually eat a tuna salad with vegetables and eggs. I also eat some fruit and drink some water. I sometimes go with friends to a restaurant and we eat chicken with potatoes and vegetables for dinner. I don’t eat any hamburgers I don’t like that!

click on the Video to set the timer

Exercise 2:
Look at the map and write. Click the clock video. You have 5 minutes to write. 

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