Bài 1:
Xem video và trả lời các câu hỏi bên dưới. 

A. Write True, or False for the following statements

1. Her living room is not spacious.

2. She likes her living room.

3. The walls are blue and salmon.

4. The carpet is on the floor, in the center of the room.

5. She has two sofas in the bedroom.

6. She sometimes put her books on the round table.

7. There is an old clock on the bookshelf.

8. There are two plants in the living room.

9. The living room doesn't have a fireplace. It is very cold in winter.

10. There are two curtains in the living room.

B. Write the meaning of the following words:
Note: capitalize the first letter.
nhớ viết hoa chữ cái đầu tiên.

 I am Anne. I’m British and I’m going to describe you my living room. My living room is very spacious and bright. i keep it clean and tidy because it is my favorite room in the house. Its walls are blue and the floor is salmon. On the floor, in the center, there is a big blue carpet. On it I have my two sofas., the coffee table and a stool. There is also a small round table where I sometimes put the book I am reading. I enjoy reading so there is a bookshelf with many books in it. On the bookshelf there is a vase with a small plant and an old clock. On one corner of the living room there is a big plant in a vase.The living room is very warm in winter because it has got a fireplace. above it there are some pictures. next to the fireplace there is a round table with a table lamp on it. There are four windows and two of them have got lovely violet curtains i made myself. I like to read and have a rest in my living room. It’s warm and cosy.

Exercises 2:
Read and answer the questions


My name is Millie. These are my friends. Their names are Fred, Jim and Sandra.

Fred is 11 years old. His real name is Frederick but we always call him Fred. He likes to cook. He also loves to eat. His favorite food is Sushi. He has got 5 pots. He has got 10 bowls. He has got 2 knives.

Jim is also 11 years old. He likes to climb trees. His arm is broken because he fell from a tree last week. He has got a rope. He has got two pairs of trainers. He has got a bicycle.

Sandra is my best friend. She is ten years old, just like me. Jim is her brother. They have a dog. It is small. It is black and white. Its name is Bobbie. Sandra looks after her dog after school. Sandra has got a pencil case, and a computer. We all go to the same school. There is a computer in our class. Our teacher has got a picture on his table. Our school is next to the park. After school we often play in the park. Our favorite game is volleyball.

exercise: being updated

Exercise 3:
Look at the map and Write

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