IELTS – SPEAKING – PART 1 – Question Type 3


This is used for the questions that includes “types of”, “kinds of”. Remember the examiner doesn’t actually like to know about the kinds or types. They do evaluation on what language you are using to tell them.

1. We shouldn’t just list out all the kinds, we have to emphasize on one or two types.
2. First, we give our opinion, then we illustrate our point with examples or explanations.

Example: Tell me about the different types of public transport in your city?

Sample: There are many kinds of transportation in my city, for example, bicycles, motorcycles, buses, taxis, and cars. I think motorcycles are the most popular used in my city. Whereas, buses are the least used.

– Use linking phrases
– Use a typical structure
– Use more advanced vocabulary
– Use redundant language

Recommended Structure

1. Opening Phrase
– Well first of all I would like to start by telling you that…
– Of course, it goes without saying ….
there’s quite a mixed variety of public transport in my city.
2. Linking phrase + point #1
But I guess ……..  would be …….
However, I suppose ….  could possibly be …
But I guess motorcycles would be the most commonly used one.


Details: Explanation or examples
And the explanation for this could be that …
They are so convenient in such narrow and busy streets during rush hours. It is faster to get through a traffic congestion with a motorcycle than with a bus or taxi. Furthermore, They can access as far as to the doors, and it is completely possible to find a parking lot for a motorcycle.
3. Liking phrase + point #2
Besides, ….
As well as ….., another form of …….. worth mentioning could be …….
as well as motorcycles, another form of transportation worth mentioning could be taxis.
And one exceptional aspect wih ….. is that ….
And the main characteristic of ….. is that ….
And the main characteristic of taxis  is that they are certainly the safest way to get around the town. It can protect you from sunburn, sunstroke or even sudden accidents.
4. Ending
And of course there’s the usual things like …
And obviously you can also find things like …
Likewise, as might be expected, there are things like…
and obviously you can also find things like buses, bicycles, train, and motorcycle taxis, although they’re not widely used as the first two that I mentioned.



What type of chocolate do you prefer? Why?

Taste Mùi vị
Texture Cấu trúc
Goes really well with Kết hợp thật sự tốt với
Special occasion Dịp đặc biệt

What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours?

Noise ồn ào
Bark sủa
Play loud music Chơi nhạc ồn ào
Taking a delivery Nhận giao hàng
Arrives by post Đến bằng đường bưu điện
Favours Sự hỗ trợ


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