Flyers – Hướng Dẫn Làm Bài Speaking part 3

The Part 3 task involves candidates telling a simple story based on five pictures, and candidates will benefit from practice in telling similar simple picture stories. However, examiners are not looking for evidence of storytelling skills. Candidates are only expected to say a few words about each picture in the sequence, without necessarily developing these comments into a narrative.

A. Mô Tả Hành Động:

1. Structure 1: Can – Can’t

2. Structure 2: has got – hasn’t got

3. Structure 3: S  +  to be  +  Ving

4. Structure 4: S  +  has / have  +   Ved/ 3


Structure 1: He can play piano. 
                      He can’t play guitar. 

Structure 2: She has got a pet. They have got a pet
                      She hasn’t got a pet. They haven’t got a pet.

Structure 3: She is walking the dog in the park.
                      She isn’t walking the dog in the park. 

Structure 4: She has finished her homework. 
                      She hasn’t finished her homework yet. 
                      Nick and Charlie have finished their homework. 

Hiện giờ, Tom đang đi bộ trong công viên với con chó của anh ấy. Anh ấy có 2 con chó. Một con màu đen, một con màu trắng. Con màu trắng ở nhà. Nó không thể đi được, bởi vì nó đang ăn. Đột nhiên, con chó màu đen nó phát hiện ra túi sách. Tom mở túi sách. Tom tìm thấy tiền và số điện thoại. Tom gọi điện cho số đó. Người phụ nữ gặp Tom. Tom đưa túi sách cho cô ấy. Cô ấy cám ơn Tom. Cô ấy cho Tom một món quà. Đó là một trái banh. Tom rất vui.  

Now: bây giờ

B. Các Động Từ Cần Học:



Walk the dog

Watch TV



Go to the cinema


Get in / get off




Post notices / fliers


Fly a kite





Plaster light poles with posters


Expect: mong đợi – he is expecting presents from his parents. 

Want to Verb: he wants to go out

is not allowed: không được phép – He isn’t allowed to go out.


* Linking words: now, suddenly, then, after that.

* but / and

Luyện tập:

Test 1
Look at these pictures. They show the story.

It’s called ‘Charlie and the Elephant. Just look at the pictures first. Look at the first one.

now Charlie and his mom are in the garden. Charlie is eating fruits. His mom is reading a book. 

Now you tell the story.


Test 2
Look at these pictures. They show the story.

It’s called ‘Charlie’s Birthday’. Just look at the pictures first. Look at the first one.

Charlie is getting up, today is 27th. It is his birthday. 
Now you tell the story.

Test 3

Look at these pictures. They show the story.

It’s called ‘A Nice Surprise. Just look at the pictures first. Look at the first one.

today it is Harry’s birthday. He has got a present. It is a puppy.  
Now you tell the story.

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