BAND 0 – 2.5 – Lesson 5

Getting Ready
Match the date on the left 

1. 3/2/10

2. 6/11/99

3. 11/1/03

4. 5/20/95

5. 2/28/07

Listening 1
People are talking to visitors. When did the visitors arrive ad when will the leave? 
Listen and write the correct dates. 


Arrived on


Will leave on


Arrived on


Will leave on


Arrived on


Will leave on


Arrived on


Will leave on


Arrived on


Will leave on


Arrived on


Will leave on

Listening 2
People are leaving messages on Jack's voicemail. What date and time do they say? Listen and write the correct date and time of each event.
note: a.m. / p.m.

1. Dental appointment

a. Date:

1. Dental appointment

b. Time:

2. Nicoles' party

a. Date:

2. Nicole's party

b. Time:

3. Aunt's arrival

a. Date:

3. Aunt's arrival

b. Time:

4. Tennis game

a. Date:

4. Tennis game

b. Time:

5. Meeting with Sam

a. Date:

5. Meeting with Sam

b. Time:

6. Trip

a. Date:

6. Trip

b. Time:

Listening 2
Task 2
Are these statements true or false? Check the correct answer.

1. The caller is confirming Jack's appointment.

2. Julia will call Jack later.

3. Jack's aunt will call him from the hotel.

4. Peter and Jack are going to play tennis on Saturday.

5. Sam wants to meet Jack in the office.

6. The flight leaves from the airport in New Orleans.

Listening 3
Task 1

Have the people had their birthdays yet this year? Listen and check the correct answer.

1. Henry

2. Eva

3. Julia

4. Luke

Listening 3
Task 2

What did (or will) each person do on his or her birthday? Circle the correct answer.

1. Henry

2. Eva

3. Julia

4. Luke

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