BAND 0 – 2.5 – Lesson 11

<span style="color: #ff0000">Getting Ready. Do you like these activities on weekends? Choose your answer and compare them with a partner.</span>

Getting Ready. Do you like these activities on weekends? Choose your answer and compare them with a partner.

exercise at the gym

go to the movies

rent movies

play computer games

play sports

eat out

go shopping

watch sports on TV

go dancing

go to a park

go rollerblading

listening 1. What are the people going to do? Listen number the pictures







Listening 2. People are calling friends about the weekend. Are the statements true or false? Choose the corect answer.

1. Emma agrees to go to a movie with Nate

2. Anne can't come to the party

3. Jake invites Rachel to a movie

4. Anne and Michael are going to see a soccer game

5. Jack can't go to Kate's house.

Task 2. Listen again. Choose the correct answer to each quastion.

1. When does Nate want to go to the movies

2. When is the party?

3. When does Jake want to go out with Rachel?

4. When is the game

5. When is the movie on TV?

Listening 3. Does the person accept or refuse the invitation? Listen and choose the correct answer.

1. Josh

2. Melissa

3. Jack

4. Olivia

5. Adam

6. Jen

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