FLYER 1 – UNIT 12 – Reading & Writing

When I was younger I used to go to school. I used to play football and tennis. I loved sport. I also used to read a lot of books. Now, I don’t like reading books and I never play sport. I’m too tired after work!

When I was young I used to be a pilot and I loved my job because it was interesting. I used to live in London. Now I’m retired and live in Scotland.

When I was younger I used to live in Spain. That’s where I was born. Now I live in Ireland, near Dublin. I used to have problems speaking English but now I understand everything people say to me.

This is Charlie. When Charlie was a child, he used to go to the park with his granddad every Saturday. Charlie’s granddad used to push him on the swings and play football with him. Charlie’s granddad used to buy him an ice cream on the way home and tell stories.

Now Charlie’s granddad is very old and can’t do those things. But now Charlie has his own son. He and his son go to the park every Saturday and Charlie pushes his son on the swings and plays football with him.

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