FLYER 1 – UNIT 9 – Reading & Writing

The African elephant is bigger and heavier than the Asian elephant. Some people also say that it is stronger. The African elephant is taller than the Asian elephant and it’s got longer legs. The Asian elephant has got smaller ears than the African elephant and its tusks are shorter.

The Asian lion is smaller and lighter than the African lion. The male has got a shorter, darker mane. The African lion is stronger and heavier than the Asian lion. Some people also say that it is fiercer. The male has got a longer, thicker mane.















A. Read the text in the video. Write T (True) or F (False) at the end of each sentence:


The African elephant is smaller than the Asian elephant


The Asian elephant's ears are smaller than the African's.


The African elephant has got longer tusks than the Asian elephant.


The Asian lion is darker than the African lion.


The African lion's mane is thicker than the Asian's.


The Asian lion is bigger than the African lion.



B. Answer the following questions:

a. Which lion is bigger?

b. Which elephant is taller?

c. Which lion has got darker mane?

d. Which elephant has got smaller ears?

e. Which elephant has got longer legs?

f. Which lion is stronger?

g. Which lion is fiercer?

Click the video before doing the test. You have 5 minutes to finish the exercises. 



The Football Game

Yesterday my brother and I went (1) ……… see a football game. We watched our two favourite (2) ………, the Eagles and the Hawks. It was the second week of the season and the day was much colder (3) ……… the week before. We arrived at the stadium (4) ……… 11:30 am, which is a little earlier (5) ……… usual. We were excited because I love the Hawks and he loves the (6) ……….

The seats were good, but I wanted something closer to the field. However, we sat and enjoyed the game. Well, we enjoyed it until we started arguing. (7) ……… brother and I both think our team is (8) ……… than the other team. He always says to me that the Eagles are faster, stronger, and smarter (9) ……… the Hawks. I never agree. On this day, he was wrong. The Hawks played a lot better than the Eagles. They looked stronger and tougher than the Eagles. The won by 15 points.

One thing I (10) ……… like was that the food and drinks were much more expensive than other places, and tasted much worse. I was surprised that a hot dog cost $7, which is (11) ……… expensive than the $3 I pay outside the stadium. Also, the hot dog was smaller than normal hot dogs. So I was a little sad about my meal, but I planned to get something tastier after the game.

Driving home I talked about how much better my team was than the Eagles. My brother was getting angry, and I noticed he was driving a lot faster than usual. We were lucky he (12) ……… crash. Finally he saw a police car so he started to drive (13) ……….  We arrived home around 7:00 pm, which is later than normal. Usually we get home (14) ……… about 6:00 pm.

Overall, it (15) ……… a great day. I love going to the game with my brother. Even though we argue, I wouldn’t want to watch the game with anyone else!


C. Fill in the gaps with the proper words

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