TOEIC – READING – Adverbs #2

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Practice 1:
Choose the correct form for the words


1. The update system is ………considered to be useful among the entire staff

2. Because the questions were not difficult, all the students could ………solve them.

3. Technicians must read safety instructions ………before starting ay experiments.

4. Our new department store will be ……… for everyone in the city.

5. Registration information will be ……….available at the office on the first floor.

6. Identification cards were ………renewed before the end of the week.

7. Applicants are encouraged to dress …………when they are interviewed.

8. There are………a small number of job openings in the sales positions.

9. The new construction project in the district ........ much longer than expected.

10. All the staff are encouraged to work……….to achieve their goals.

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