TOEIC – READING – Adverbs #1

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Practice 1:
Choose the correct form for the words


1. Ms. Alowolo’s proposal will be …… implemented by the department despite the fact that she no longer works there.

2. The South of Vietnam was …… liberated on April, 30, 1975.

3. I feel …… interested in this book.

4. He studied too …… to pass his exam.

5. The doctor told me to breathe in ……

6. The surgeon performed the operation ……

7. The operation was ……. They surgeon performed so well.

8. She drives …… enough to be safe.

9. Driving requires extreme .......

10. He worked …… enough to succeed.

11. He is lazy. He ........ passes the exam.

12. All the pupils have done the exercises ……

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