Movers – Reading for test skills – Practice 1


Vicky lives with her parents and her two brothers, Sam and Paul, in the city. Last week, they had a holiday by the sea. Sam is ten, Vicky is eight but Paul is only five. They went to the cinema on Wednesday because it rained all day. They saw a film about sharks. The sharks had very big teeth. Paul didn’t like watching them and he closed his eyes.

Translate these words into English

Translate these sentences into English

Task 3
Look at the pictures and read the story. Write some words to
complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3

Vicky lives with her parents and her two brothers, Sam and Paul, in the city. Last week, they had a holiday by the sea. Sam is ten, Vicky is eight but Paul is only five. They went to the cinema on Wednesday because it rained all day. They saw a film about sharks. The sharks had very big teeth. Paul didn’t like watching them and he closed his eyes.

1. Vicky’s family went on holiday last

2. Vicky has two who are called Sam and Paul.

3. The family had a holiday by

4. It all day on Wednesday and the family went to the cinema.

5. Paul didn’t enjoy seeing in the film.

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